Sunday, June 3, 2012

Is This Our Last Goodbye?

I realized this week, that with only a little more than two months left in my exchange, I am not sure if this will be the last time I see some people. Why is it getting hard now? My exchange has been great to this point without the big roller coaster of emotions they said I would go through. I am not sure why now is the time where my low point comes. With the first of the exchange students starting to leave, it is really hitting me that I am leaving, and I don't know when I am coming back. My host family has become a family. Blood doesn't determine whose your family, family is whoever was there to take you in with open arms and never regretted it. The same goes for my friends. My best friends have also become a family. Sometimes I wish Muensterland could be like wisconsin, a place I could visit any day of the week if I wanted to. Unfortunately, my two lives will never connect or understand each other. They will always be on the other side of the pond and a world apart. It was different leaving the US because it was a "see ya later" and not a goodbye. How is life going to change while I am gone? How long will I be gone? These are questions I do not know the answer to, and I not ready to face this. They say a year is a long time, but to me, one year is not long enough...

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